
Mosquito Control

Are Mosquitos a Problem in Wichita?

Yeah, we definietly have mosquitos here. Nothing ruins a Saturday afternoon picnic or an evening on the back deck like these little bloodsuckers. Our mosquito season tends to run from March to October, depending on the weather.

Mosquito Spraying Service

Mosquito on Skin Closeup Wichita Kansas

When done properly and at the correct intervals, spraying for mosquito control is very effective. Due to the nature of mosquitos, we can target specific areas of a property for control. 

Keep in mind that flying makes it impossible to control mosquitos 100%. Also, conditons and proxcimity of adjacent properties may not allow for effective control. 

Mosquito Trapping Service

Arrest A Pest Mosquito Trap in Wichita

Mosquito Traps help control mosquito population.  It attratcs female mosquitos and contaiminates both the mosquito and the larvae. Then the larvaecide is spread to all the other spots the mosquito visits. 

When spraying vegetation is not an option, trapping can help reduce the population. 

Combined with spraying can increase the success of a mosquito control program. 

The Quick Information On Mosquitos

Having a mosquito problem? Check below to find out facts on osquitos to help you get started on containing the issue.

What Diseases Do Mosquitos Carry?

  • Zika

    Zika is a rare virus that can cause birth defects in unborn babies. It can be transmitted by mosquitoes, pregnant women to babies, and blood transfusions. Zika virus cases are often mild, and many of the people infected with Zika virus don’t display any symptoms.These symptoms can last up to a week, and include rashes, muscle and joint pain, fever, red eyes, and headaches. The first case was only recorded in 2007, so Zika is still a relatively new virus. Many of its long term effects are unknown. The good news is that death from zika virus is very rare.

  • West Nile

    West Nile is a virus that affects . Roughly 80% of people who are infected with West Nile will have symptoms. Symptoms of west nile include headache,vomiting, fever, aches and pains in the body or joints, and. Any even smaller number of those infected, about 0.6%, develop more serious symptoms like numbness, vision loss, paralysis, disorientation, and high fever. There’s a greater risk for people 60 years of age or older, and those with pre existing medical conditions. 

  • Chikungunya

    Although this virus might sound a little silly, this is a real disease. Chikungunya is a virus that can be transmitted by blood. Mosquitoes spread it because they feed on the blood of numerous hosts. Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, headache, joint swelling or pain, nausea and rash. Symptoms usually start to show between 3 and 7 days after infection. The people who are most at risk from chikungunya are those 60 years of age and older, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and newborn babies.

  • Malaria

    Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which mosquitoes can get from biting an infected person. The parasites can live and reproduce inside the mosquito, and are passed to the victim through the saliva of the mosquito. The parasites then start a rapid reproduction cycle in their new host. Symptoms will usually show up 1 or 2 weeks after being infected, and can include fever, chills, headache, vomiting, and flu-like symptoms. Although malaria can be deadly if left untreated, it’s easier to cure due to advancements and availability of medical care.

  • Dengue

    Dengue can be dangerous because symptoms can become severe in a very short span of time. Usually, Dengue virus symptoms include fever, along with rash, nausea, vomiting, joint or body aches, or eye aches. About 25% of those infected will become sick. Symptoms are more likely to become severe if a person has previously been infected with Dengue Virus.

Why do mosquitoes carry so many diseases?

If after reading this, you think "That's an awful lot of diseases for mosquitoes to transmit", you’re right! The reason mosquitoes are vectors* for so many diseases is because female mosquitoes feed on the blood of mammals. This includes us humans, as well as pets and livestock. A mosquito eats using a straw-like appendage to pierce the skin, and suck the blood to its mouth.

As the female mosquito flies from host to host, it can pick up and give illnesses that are usually only transmittable through blood. So if a mosquito bites a person (or in some cases an animal) infected with one of these diseases, there is a chance they might infect the next person they bite.

*A vector is an organism that spreads a disease or pathogen from one thing to another. A vector doesn't cause the disease itself, but it can carry and transmit the disease.

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